November, 1995
Beloved Fratres and Sorores, Throughout the lessons written for the students of Builders of the Adytum, Dr. Case cited many source materials. As a diligent scholar, Dr. Case was familiar with the writings and teachings of many schools of occult discipline. Through the loving work of our Fratres and Sorores, we are able to provide you with this bibliography of the specific texts and authors Dr. Case mentions in his writings. This should prove a valuable tool for those of you looking to expand your reading beyond Dr. Case’s lessons. The list is alphabetical, by title, with information on authors provided in those cases where no specific work was cited. Information on the availability of each work is also provided. Included are names of publishers, mailing addresses, ISBN identification and phone numbers, where available. Throughout the lessons, Dr. Case suggests that the serious student would benefit by reading these texts for themselves. We ask you to remember, however, that he also specified that a discriminating reading was required. As always, it is our pleasure to be of service to our members. In L.V.X.,
Bibliography Compiled from the works of Dr. Paul Foster CaseLesson References by Author | Tarot & Qabala | Other Magic/Occult | Occult/Magical/Esoteric Fiction | Other Fiction Lesson References by TitleAesch Mezareph, Book of Purifying Fire, Theosophical Publishing Society, 7 Duke
Street Adelphi, London, W.C. Also The Path, 144 Madison Avenue New York. Probably most easily obtained in a reprint from Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, California 95245. Alchemy and the Alchemists, Chambers, available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kiia, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 005 4 The American Bible, Elbert Hubbard. De Young Publications, P.O. Box 76 Rt. 1, Stark, KS 66775. Telephone 316 754-3203 ISBN 0 936128 29 1 (hard)O 685 58467 4 (paper) Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternai, Heinrich Khunrath, Hanover 1609 Anastratus - The Hermetic Museum, compiled by A.E. Waite. Available from Samuel Weiser, Inc. Box 612 York Beach, Maine 03910. ISBN 0-87728-733-3 Anthroposophia Theomagica, Thomas Vaughan, see The Works of Thomas Vaughan, compiled
by A.E. Waite, first published in 1919. Available as a reprint from Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, California 95245. Apocalypse Unsealed, James Pryse, John M. Watkins, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London W.C. 2. 1910. Available as a reprint from Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, California 95245. The Apostolic Gnosis, Lea and Bond, first published 1919. ISBN 0 902103 05 9. Now available through Research into Lost Knowledge Organization, 36 College court, Hammersmith, London W69DZ. The Arabian Nights, or The Thousand and One Nights. One of the earliest translators was Sir Richard Burton, 1885. Regal Publications, telephone 800 235 3415 or 800 446-7735 ISBN 1 87776 764 6 The Aurora, Jacob Boehme, 1634. Many editions available but easiest to find is a reprint from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 115 8 Bhagavad Gita, International Society for Khrisna Consciousness The Book of Concealed Mystery, see the Kabbalah Unveiled The Book of Formation, see Sepher Yetzirah The Book of the Lambspring, Nicholas Barnaud Delphinas, available in The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 733 3 Book of Splendors, Eliphas Levi. Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 IBSN 0 87728 614 0 The Book of Tokens, Paul Foster Case: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042 Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, A.E. Waite, first edition William Rider and Son, London, 1914. Available from Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, California 95245. Center of Nature Concentrated, See Alchemy and the Alchemists, Chambers The Chaldean Oracles, Julianus, Heptangle Books, Box 283, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 ISBN 0 935214 11 9 The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, Godwin trans. Phanes Press, P.O. Box 6114, Grand Rapids, MT49516 ISBN 0 933999 35 6 (paper)O 933999 34 8 (hardbound) The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, Eckharshausen, Society Rosicruciana In America, #10 East Chestnut Street, Kingston, NY 12401 Compound of Alchemy, Ripley: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 077 1 Comte de Gabalis, De Montafaucon de Villars, Abbe: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 201 4 The Confessio (The Confession of the Rosicrucian Fraternity), available in Paul Foster Case’s The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order. Order from Builders of the Adytum, 5 105 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90042 ISBN 0 87728 608 6 Confessions of St. Augustine, Augustine "Doubleday-Dell Publications, 666 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10103 ISBN 0 385 02955 1 The Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Stephen Kershaw editor, from the translation by A.R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1951. Basil Blackwell Inc., 32 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Mass. 02142 ISBN 0 631 16696 3 Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Bucke, 1901. Library of Congress Card Catalog Number 61-11 100 also available from Penguin-Arcana, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 ISBN 0 14 01.9337 5 The Creative Process in the Individual, Thomas Troward, 1915. DeVorss Publishing, P.O.Box 550, Marina Del Rey, CA 90294 The Decameron, Boccacio. McWilliam, translator. Penguin Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 ISBN 0 12 044269 3 De Occulta Philosophia, Agrippa. Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383 ISBN 0 87542 832 0 Divina Comedia, Dante. Penguin Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 3 Vols. ISBN 014 04.41050 and 014 04 40461 (ask for the ISBN for Volume 1) D.O.M.A. Codex Rosae Crucis, Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027 Dyzan, Stanzas of, Blavatsky. Concord Grove Press, P.O. Box 959, Santa Barbara, CA 93102 Edinburg Lectures on Mental Science, Troward. DeVorss Publishing, P.O.Box 550, Marina Del Rey, CA 90294 ISBN 0 87516 614 8 Encyclopedia of Masonic and Hermetic Symbolism, Manly P. Hall, Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027 Ends and Means, Aldous Huxley. Buccaneer Books, P.O.Box 168, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Telephone 516 734-5724 ISBN 0 89966 846 1 Essay on the Fundamental Principles of Operative Occultism, Manly P. Hall. The new title is Spiritual Centers in Man, Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027 Fama Fraternitatis, available in Paul Foster Case’s The true and Invisible Rosicruciain Order. Order from Builders of the Adytum, 5105 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90042 ISBN 0 87728 608 6 Fount of Chemical Truth, available in The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 733 3 Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, Corenelius Agrippa. Available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 319 3 Samuel Weiser, Inc. Box 612 York Beach, Maine 03910. ISBN Fourth Table, available in The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 733 3 The Gate of Remembrance, Bond. Time-Life Books, 777 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 telephone 800 621-7026 ISBN 0 8094 806@ 0 Gernatria (Preliminary investigation) Bond and Lea, Rilko Books, 10 Church Street, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 7DG ISBN 0 902103 04 0 FAX 01440 730088 to order. Genesius Hebrew Grammar, ISBN 019 815406 OTJP The Glory of the World, available in The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 733 3 The Golden Ass, Apuleius, writen circa 100 B.C. Translated by Jack Lindsay, 1962, Indiana University Press. Also available from Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA ISBN 0 67499 04 9 The Golden Tract, available in The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 733 3 The Greater Holy Assembly, See The Kabbalah Unveiled, Mathers The Great Seal of the United States, Paul Foster Case: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90042 Hamlet, Shakespeare. Penguin Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 20014 ISBN 0 1 4 0 7 1 4 . 0 5 7 The Hebraic Tongue Restored, Fabre d’Olivet, originally published in 1815, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 087728 332 X Hermetic Arcanum, d’Espagnet. Holmes Publications, P.O. Box 623, Edmonds, WA 98020-0623 ISBN 1 58818 1032 The Hermetic Museum compiled by A.E. Waite, currently published by Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 ISBN 0 87728 -733 3 The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, translated by A.E. Waite: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 0 922802 1 81 The Hidden Power, Troward. DeVorss Publishing, P.O.Box 550, Marina Del Rey, CA 90294 also Sun Publications, P.O. Box 5588, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5588 ISBN 0 89540 253 X (hard) 0 89540 253 (paper) The History of Magic, Eliphas Levi: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 564459 404 1 The Highlights of Tarot, Paul Foster Case: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90042 The Holy Kabbalah, A.E. Waite, University Books, Library of Congress Catalog No. 60-12164 The Initiate, Cyril Scott. Weiser Books, Samuel Weiser, Inc. Box 612 York Beach, Maine 03910. ISBN 0 87728 361 3 Isis Unveiled, H.P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Universal Press, Pasadena, CA ISBN 0 911500 02 2 paperback and 0 911500 03 0 hardbound Kaivalya Upaizishad, See Upanishads. Katha Upanishad, See Upanishads. The Koran, Penguin Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 ISBN 0 14 04.45420 The Kyballion, Three Initiates: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90042 The Law and the Word, Troward. DeVorss Publishing, P.O.Box 550, Marina Del Rey, CA 90294 ISBN 0 87516 653 9 Levi, Eliphas: see The History of Magic, The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnurn, Paradox es of the Highest Science. Leyden Papyrus, Ed. F.L. Griffith and Herbert Thompson. Dover Books, 180 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 telephone 800 223-3130 ISBN 0 486 22994 7 Leaves of Grass, Whitman. Vintage Books. ISBN 0 679 72514 8 The Lesser Holy Assembly, See The Kabbalah Unveiled, Mathers The Light of the Faith, St. Thomas Aquinas. Sophia Institute, P.O. Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108 telephone 800 888-9344 ISBN 0918477 158 Lumen de Lumine, Thomas Vaughan: see The Works of Thomas Vaughan, A.E. Waite: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 009 7 Lully, Raymond: see Three Famous Alchemists, Waite Magia Adamica, Thomas Vaughan, see The Works of Thomas Vaughan, A.E. Waite: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 009 7 The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regiium, Eliphas Levi: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 0 922802 95 5 Macbeth, William Shakespeare. Penguin Books, 375 Hudson St’reet, New York, NY 10014 ISBN 0 14 0707.05 0 New Chemical Light, see The Hermetic Museum, edit. Waite The Ordinal of Alchemy, see The Hermetic Museum, edit. Waite The Perfect Way, Kingsford and Maitland: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 254 5 Peter lbbetscn, George duMaurier. Scholarly Publications, P.O. Box 160, St. Claire Shores, Mi 48080 ISBN 0 403 00920 Philalethes Alchemical Works, compiled by S. Merrow Broddle, 1994. CINNABAR, P.O. Box 1930, Boulder, CO 80306-1930. ISBN 0 9640067 0 7. The Works of Philo, Yonge. Hendrickson Publishers, P.O. Box 3473, Peabody, MA 01961-3473 ISBN 0 94375 93 1 Philosophy of Natural Magic, Cornelius Agrippa, available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 160 3 The Pictorial Key To the Tarot, A.E. Waite. U.S. Games System, 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CN 06902 IBSN 0 913866 08 3 Poor Richard’s Almanac, Ben Franklin. Peter Pauper Books, ISBN 0 88088 918 7 Preliminary Investigation (Gematria) Bond and Lea, Rilko jooks, 10 Church Street, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 7DG ISBN 0 902103 04 0 FAX 01440 730088 to order. Psychic Self-defense, Dion Fortune. Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 IBSN 0 87728 381 8 Raja Yoga, Swami Vivekananda; 1902. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 17 East 94th Street, New York, NY Library of Congress Catalog Number 55-12231 ISBN 091 1 1206 23X The Real History of the Rosicrucians, A.E. Waite. Garber Communications, 5 Garber Hill Road, Blauvelt, NY 10913 telephone 914 359-9292 ISBN 0 89345 019-7 The Restored New Testament, James Pryse. Available as a reprint from Health Research P.O. Box 70, Mokeiumne Hill, California 95245. Ripley Revived, see Philalethes Alchemical Works, compiled by S. Merrow Broddle, 1994. CINNABAR, P.O. Box 1930, Boulder, CO 80306-1930. ISBN 0 9640067 0 7. The Rubaiyat, Omar Khyam. Random House, 201 E. 50th Street, New York, NY 10022 telephone 800 733-3000 ISBN 0 517 072327 7 Sakti and Shakta, Arthur Avalon (Woodroffe). Ganesh and Co., 121 Weber Street, Pomona, CA 91768 The Science of Breath, Ramacharaka. Yoga Publication Society, P.O. Box 1268, Homewood, IL 60430 telephone 800 326-2665 ISBN 0 911662 00 6 A Sculptor Speaks, Haskell. Ayer Publications, P.O. Box 958 Salem, NH 03079 ISBN 405 08487 0 Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, available from AMORC, San Jose, CA The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky, Theosophic Universal Press, Pasadena, CA 91109 ISBN 1 55700-001 8 The Secret Tradition in Alchemy, A.E. Waite: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 0 922802 83 1 The Sepher Yetzirah, many editions available: One of the best available books is Rabbi Aryeh Kapian’s Sepher Yetzirah in Theory and Practice, Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 IBSN 0 87728 690 hardbound and 087728 726 0 paperback. Contains at least 5 different translations of the Book of Formation. AMORC also prints an inexpensive paper edition of the Kalisch translation, 1877. Westcott’s translation is also available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 262 6 Yet another version is available from Sure Fire Press, P.O. Box 623, Edmunds, WA 98020 ISBN 0 916411 69 9The Serpent Power, Arthur Avalon (Woodroffe). Ganesh and Company, 121 Weber Street, Pomona, CA 91768 A shorter introductory work, The Essential Talmud by Rabbi Steinsaltz, is also available from Harper Collins Books ISBN 0 465 02060 7 (hardbound) and 0 465 02063 2 (paperback) Tertium Organum, P.D. Ouspensky. Vintage Books-Random House. ISBN 0394 75168 X Three Books of Occult Philosophy or Magic, Cornelius Agrippa, available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 199 9 Three Famous Alchemists (Lully, Agrippa, Paracelsus) A.E. Waite: available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920’ ISBN 0 922820 84 X The Threefold Life of Man, Jacob Boehme, available from Kessinger Publishing Company, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 ISBN 1 56459 224 3 Transcendental Magic, Eliphas Levi. Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 IBSN 0 87728 079 7 Turba Philosophrum, trans. A.F. Waite, Samuel Weiser, Box 612, York Beach, Maine 03910 IBSN 0 87728 139 4 The Universal One, Walter Russell. University of Science and Philosophy, P.O. Box 520, Waynesboro, VA 22980 telephone 800 882-5683 ISBN 1 879605 08 2 The Unobstructed Universe, S.E. White. Ariel Press, 14417 SE 19th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007 telephone 206 641-0518 ISBN 0 89804 152 X Vairagya Satakam, Bhartrihari. Vedanta Publications, 1946 Vedanta Place, Hollywood, CA 90068-3996
Lesson References by Title | Tarot & Qabala by Author | Other Magic/Occult | Occult/Magical/Esoteric Fiction | Other Fiction Lesson References by Author / Editor
Artephius, See Alchemy and Alchemists, Chambers Tarot & Qabala - Reference by TitleThe Qabalistic Tarot, Robert Wang: Weiser Books The Tarot, Paul Foster Case: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042 Thursday Night Tarot, Jason Lotterhand: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042 The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, Paul Foster Case: order from B.O.T.A. 5105 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042 Tarot & Qabala - Reference by Author / Editor |