From: Zeph
Subject: Administrivia
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 16:08:30 -0700 (MST)

Shalom Fratres et Sorores -

There will be no messages passed through the discussion group for a few days. If you do not receive mail as usual, please don't be alarmed!

Yours in LVX,

Editor's Note: It appears some discussion was occuring in the background regarding the future of the bota-l list at this time, as posts were suspended for almost two weeks.

Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 22:29:09 -0800
From: (Zeph)
Subject: BOTA Online Study Group

Shalom Fratres et Sorores -

Two and a half years have passed since the online study group came into being. What began as a small discussion group among a very few students of Builders of the Adytum grew into what is now a large conversation between 309 individuals, all across the world.

Much work has been accomplished here. Jay Kinney writes, in the Summer 1996 issue of _Gnosis_ magazine, that the net "shares unnerving characteristics with the esoteric doctrine of the astral plane". Indeed! Here we have discussion of the Ageless Wisdom, instanteously carried across all borders, reaching students who have no other contact with their brothers and sisters. The Uniting Intelligence has always been a presence here, and nothing will change that.

There are changes, however, due mostly to the fact that this study group has outgrown the confines of the BOTA Study Group Guidelines. Those guidelines are good for small groups of people meeting together in living rooms and temples, but do not hold up in the face of this amazing medium of communication. It is primarily for this reason that this study group will no longer be affiliated in any way with Builders of the Adytum.

I must admit that when this decision first came to light I felt that the time had come to end the discussion altogether. Quickly, though, I remembered that all change brings good results; more importantly, I remembered you, dear brothers, sisters and friends, who have often told me of the great value you receive from this study group.

The change is, in fact, quite simple. The name will be changed to pfcase-l, for discussion of the Ageless Wisdom as brought forth by Paul Foster Case, and those who have followed him in the work, most notably Ann Davies. Also, it will be made clear to new subscribers, and clear to you now, that the discussions held through this new study group do not reflect the opinions held by the stewards of Builders of the Adytum.

In short, we remain a group of students of Builders of the Adytum. We no longer have the official support of the school, but we also no longer have the constraints imposed upon official BOTA Study Groups. To that end, I would point out that I will no longer be moderating this list. Once the technical changes are in place, any mail sent to the list will immediately be sent to every participant in the list. I want this group to stay focused upon discussion of the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Paul Foster Case, but I don't think I need to police the conversation anymore. We are all grown-ups, and can, I'm sure, stick to the point. After all, general discussion of occult principles is available elsewhere.

I want to thank the original pioneers of this list, including Lee Moffitt, Richard Romanowski, Doug Evans, Keith Tannler, Rich Stokes, Bill Erickson, Amberlyn, Fran Keegan, Gordon Roth, Mark Kampe, G.D. Mitchell, and anybody else I might have forgotten. I also want to thank Beth Escott, who has always done an excellent job of co-moderating bota-l, and was gracious enough to carry it along for the entire year I spent in Asia. Also, Frater I, for much inspiration and even more dross. :) Of course I also thank Builders of the Adytum, not just for backing this group for so long, but also and more particularly for continuing to publish, after so many years, the work of Paul Foster Case, whose lessons can lead students far along the Path. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank all of you, subscribers to this mailing list, participants in this discussion group. This is your group.

I've said enough. Any comments are, of course, welcome. We should be switched over, technologically, soon. Administrivia about that will be forthcoming. In addition to any discussion that might arise from this new aspect of the study group, I've got about a dozen messages that have been waiting, patiently, to continue with the discussion of Key 0. Let's talk about this, if we desire, and when we are at pfcase-l I'll fling 'em at ya.

Yours in LVX,

From: Joseph Tomasello
To: Zeph
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

As one who has only just discovered this most invaluable exchange of Wisdom and Understanding,seeping into our consious and unconsious group minds with Mercy and Strength, inundated by Beauty ,giving us the Splendor and the Victory of a Foundation on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Will it go round in circles.

Frater Bienvenu
Joseph Tomasellov

Subject: Antw: Re: BOTA Online Study Group
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 96 07:23:10 GMT
From: (wim de Haan)

shalom Fratres/Sorores,

I want to express my gratitude also, although I had nothing to contribute, due to the fact that I am only a member of BOTA (Europe)since end of last year, I enjoyed the valuable discussions. Thanks very much, and please stay put....




Date: 15 Aug 1996 9:50:14GMT+1000
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

I am very new to this discussion list, but have been studying BOTA lessons for several years. My lessons come from New Zealand, and I have on rare occasions participated in a group that meets in Melbourne - essentially though, I study alone.

I am very interested in the structure of BOTA as an organisation. In the lesson material the ideas and research (at least in these first several years) are those of Paul Foster Case and Ann Davies. Does the school have continuing leadership?

I will be very thankful to be able to read other's ideas and participate in discussion through this medium. At times it feels very isolated to be alone in my study.

Yours in LVX,

Jenni Munday
Murray Education Unit,
Charles Sturt Universtiy,
PO Box 789,
Albury, 2640.
New South Wales,

Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 08:09:58 -0400
From: Richard Stokes
Subject: Re: bota-d Digest V96 #73

>I want to thank the original pioneers of this list, including Lee Moffitt,
>Richard Romanowski, Doug Evans, Keith Tannler, Rich Stokes, Bill Erickson,
>Amberlyn, Fran Keegan, Gordon Roth, Mark Kampe, G.D. Mitchell, and anybody
>else I might have forgotten.

Well, I have to compliment you on your memory! But more than that, I have to thank you for the amazing amount of work you have done. For many months (esp. in the beginning) this list was the only thing that kept me sane at work, and I have to say that it really sped me along the beginning humps.

I do have to compliment B.O.T.A. also on having the wisdom to disassociate the school from the list. It has grown too big for the shoes of a "study group" - this has become a major occult listserv in the last year. This says as much for your work as it does for the incredible upsurge in interest. Again, thank you.

Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 12:52:43 -0500
From: Jeff Long
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

I would like to thank those who are responsible for bringing this list into being also!

I am, I must admit a little intrigued why the School is not supposting the list though! Could you perhaps remind me why it is that the support is so withheld, or is this just an act of responsibility so as not to impose any phenomenon which may occur on this list onto the School. Because as they are not the "keepers of the list" per se, they cannot be held responsible for the progression of events that occur on this list? I just want to clarify, because, I have learned to be very careful; I get a good "gut-feeling" about this though, but I always ask just the same.

Thank you again for y
Jeff Long

From: "Robert F. Sacco"
Subject: Re: bota-d Digest V96 #73
Message-ID: <>

Well this is a sad announcement.... I hope that the conversation does stay so good but... even assumeing that it will... All I know about B.O.T.A. is from the lessons.. I've been getting them for something like four years now... but... other than the sure knowledge that there were out there many students of the ageless wisdom.. this was the first and only place where I've actualy gotten to take a peak at ya all... I am also saddened that offical B.O.T.A. wants to disassociate itself from instruction through this medium.. I don't want to say anthing that would be taken as hostile or critical.. but I do have this sad feeling of the future being backed away from rather than being met as the challange it always has been and always will be... still... I know resorces are also probably scarce.. still... it was wonderful for the year are so I've been lurking and pipeing up from time to time.. I hope everyone is sticking around... cause even if B.O.T.A. isn't endorseing us... we are still at least for the most part Builders....


Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 16:51:47 -0500
From: Jeff Long
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

forgive me if I've already sent a message of this same basic content, I've had email difficulties and am not certain if my mail was actually sent or if it was delayed then deleted.

I wanted to ask why it is that the school will no longer support this discussion list? It seems that if the school simply said that the views and opinions on this list do not necessarily reflect those of the school's nor does it represent the content of their teachings, yet, they fully support opportunity for discussion in order to learn from fellow aspirants, I would have no concern, but why is it that they removed all affiliation?

I really am not concerned to the degree that I wish to remove my participation, I am simply wanting to clarify that nothing about this format is contrary to the school's recommendations. I just want to make sure that I am not engaging in something that might hinder my learning or misdirect my learning, that is all.

Thank you, BTW, for offering your services of this list. It is truly a blessing and evidently quite a successful achievement!

Thanks again, may light be extended to you!


Jeff Long
Jeff Long

From: Paula Carmen
To: "'BOTA'"
Subject: Saddened
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 10:23:39 -0700

am I over the loss or withdrawal of direction by BOTA but I suppose the powers that be have reasons. Yes, we are all grownups but as far as direction - isn't that why we study under BOTA. Saddened over the loss of direction. Wherever there is a vacuum, Nature rushes in to fill it. Unless there are concerns over the security of the web and things falling through putting the manifested BOTA at risk, then I can understand. For just a few weeks I have participated in the online and have tremendously loved the responses. They have generated much additional thought in me. And I thank all of you and in particular, you Zeph, for your direction and gentle guidance. LVX to you all and I hope to see all of you out there in the new form. Perhaps it is time we took responsibility upon ourselves. Time to mediate and create a tableau to help through this time of change and growth.

PJ Carmen

True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It can't be gained by interfering.

Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 18:04:44 GMT
From: James Collins
Subject: I always ask just the same


I believe your question deserves to become a thread. I would suggest that the ultimate purpose of BOTA is to survive into the future. The mechanism used by both biological and cultural entities to perpetuate a presence is reproduction. For this purpose BOTA enlists hosts to copy the teachings of ageless wisdom into memory. By stilling the waters of desire through meditation, the aspirant acts as a mirror. The more perfect the reflection, the more likely the teachings will be copied with minimum distortion. However, because distortions can easily enter the reproductive process, especially when long time frames are involved, purity and quality control is always an issue. Questions, judgements, curiosity, etc., about motives, origins, occult goals, hidden agendas, etc., can muddy the waters, and perhaps infect others with ideas that are counterproductive to the task at hand, namely-survival. So it could then be considered good, from this perspective, for BOTA to remove itself from the possible contamination that might result from the unrestrained exchange ideas that can occur on this medium.

What to choose?-speculation; faith, hope and charity; or, the wheel of fortune.

Perhaps it is adolescent of me, but I too like to ask.


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 15:20:42 -0400
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

<<At times it feels very isolated to be alone in my study.>>

I have been with BOTA about 11/2 years now. I am a serious-minded student seeking to put bota to work in my day to day routine (aren't we a.. :) )If you would ever like to discuss bota via e mail, please feel free to drop in! No need to feel isolated with bota in the 90's!!


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 06:02:50 +0100
From: (Judith Elleby)
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

I've been offline since about April and apparently missed the first message about BOTA not being a part of the new online study group. Did the school actually break the connection or was it the other way around? I haven't seen anything to indicate either one.

I too appreciate everyone who is involved that has kept things going. I'm incorporating BOTA, Huna, visualizations, and anything I can including out-of-state nonconventional therapies in the battle with cancer.

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 10:47:33 -0800
From: (Zeph)
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

Jeff wondered...

>I am, I must admit a little intrigued why the School is not supposting the
>list though! Could you perhaps remind me why it is that the support is so
>withheld, or is this just an act of responsibility so as not to impose any
>phenomenon which may occur on this list onto the School. Because as they
>are not the "keepers of the list" per se, they cannot be held responsible
>for the progression of events that occur on this list? I just want to
>clarify, because, I have learned to be very careful; I get a good
>"gut-feeling" about this though, but I always ask just the same.

That's about as good an explanation as there is.

Yours in LVX,

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 10:47:36 -0800
From: (Zeph)
Subject: Re: bota-d Digest V96 #73

Bob wrote...

>will be... still... I know resorces are also probably scarce.. still... it >was wonderful for the year are so I've been lurking and pipeing up from time >to time.. I hope everyone is sticking around... cause even if B.O.T.A. isn't >endorseing us... we are still at least for the most part Builders....

There have been quite a few unsubscribe requests, but for the most part there are still nearly 300 subscribers, and we are still for the most part Builders, and we are still going to continue this dialogue between students of BOTA. The name has changed, and official endorsement is no more, but there will otherwise be little change. I'm hoping the technical changes are in place soon so we can carry on.

A few people have expressed a desire that somebody continue to moderate the messages, so as to hold back a possible tidal wave of typical net-nonsense. Should things, without moderation, become absurd, I will go back to moderating the list. I'd like to try it without the moderation, though...

Yours in LVX,

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 10:47:56 -0800
From: (Zeph)
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

Cheryl wondered...

>Will I still be able to get the answers to any questions, etc. that I was
>hoping to find here?

Yes, absolutely. We remain a group of students of BOTA, and will continue our discussions along the same lines that we always have.

Yours in LVX,

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 10:50:46 -0800
From: (Zeph)
Subject: Re: BOTA Online Study Group

Judith -

>I've been offline since about April and apparently missed the first message
>about BOTA not being a part of the new online study group. Did the school
>actually break the connection or was it the other way around? I haven't
>seen anything to indicate either one.

It was the school that broke the connection. Basically, the online group has outgrown the constraints of the BOTA Study Group guidelines, and so we could not continue as an appendage of the school. Nevertheless, we will continue with our discussions, as students of BOTA.

Yours in LVX,
